TDC最佳类别奖项颁布!21个国家的学生荣获2023 Young Ones国际青年创意竞赛奖项
原创OneShow OneShow 2023-05-22 11:02发表于上海
2023 Young Ones国际青年创意竞赛
纽约时间2023年5月15日The One Club for Creativity在纽约索尼音乐厅成功举办2023 Young Ones国际青年创意竞赛颁奖典礼,拉开了纽约国际创意周的序幕。
当晚的颁奖典礼为来自14个学校的33组参赛者颁发了Young Ones Portfolio奖项,获奖名单如下:
ArtCenter College of Design Pasadena:Cathy Xiao,Soyeon Kim,Sarah Oh,Yan Yan
Brigham Young University Provo:Gwynie Bahr,Hannah Gulbrandsen,Morgan Capener,Jeremy Holbrook,Taylor Ballard,Remington Butler
FIT Advertising&Digital Design New York:Kate Ma,Mariko Dreifuss
Glasgow School of Art Glasgow:XINRAN SHI
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge:Reina Mun
Universidade Estácio de SáPetrópolis(Brazil):Matheus Loretti
Miami Ad School Europe Berlin:Lisa Glonti
Miami Ad School Madrid Madrid:Ilu Shilpakar Sancha
Nanyang Technological University Singapore:Chow Zheng Kai
National Taipei University of Education Taipei:Hsueh Kai-Chieh,Chang Hsun-Yu,Lin Zhong-Wei,Chen Yu-Ting
Ringling College of Art and Design Sarasota:Josh Young,Steven Dvornik
Savannah College of Art and Design Savannah:Harshitha Suresh,Isabelle K Winarto,Liyue Bai,Tiffany Tedy,Wanyi Ma,Yuuki Shimizu
The Pub School Bogotá:David Romero Alvarez
University of Applied Sciences Salzburg:Julian Frener,Felix Foltas
Young Ones One Show共颁出9支金铅笔奖,10支银铅笔奖,16支铜铅笔奖和94项佳作奖。金奖获奖名单如下:
ArtCenter College of Design Pasadena“Walk The Talk”for Spotify in Experiential
ArtCenter College of Design Pasadena“Pairless Parts”for Verizon in Experiential
Berghs School of Communication Stockholm“Closer To Tato”for Spotify in Integrated
Escola CUCA São Paulo“Fortnitemare”for PETA in Digital,Online&Mobile
Miami Ad School Europe Berlin“Spotify Libraries of Love”for Spotify in Out of Home
Miami Ad School Europe Berlin“Spotify Libraries of Love”for Spotify in Print
Mohawk College Hamilton(Ontario)“She's Back,Bitch.Period.”for Activision Blizzard/Diablo IV in Integrated
School of Visual Arts New York“All Pain Sounds the Same”for PETA in Out of Home
The Pub School Guayaquil“CelebriTales AI”for Spotify in Integrated
Young Ones ADC共颁出22座金立方奖,29座银立方奖,38座铜立方奖和164项佳作奖,Brigham Young University Provo杨百翰大学普罗沃分校以七项Young Ones ADC金立方奖领跑了这一年,获奖作品包括“Dream Job”、“Girl Scouts-Femininity”、“We Don't Judge,We Drive”。ArtCenter College of Design Pasadena帕萨迪纳艺术中心设计学院获得三座金奖奖杯。
获得两座金立方奖的是Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg Ludwigsburg的作品“Mother Nature's Power”和慕尼黑电视电影大学的“Generation Sitting”。
Young Ones TDC共产生来自21所学校的52名TDC证书获得者。ArtCenter College of Design Pasadena帕萨迪纳艺术中心设计学院的学生以14项获奖名列榜首,School of Visual Arts New York纽约视觉艺术学院以9项获奖紧随其后。
图片2023 Young Ones获奖作品:“She’s Back,Bitch.Period”by Chris Churchill,Kaitlynn Gasparinho,Logan Ashworth,Margaret Matian of Mohawk College;“Mother Nature’s Power”by Jan Fabi,Marco Henn,Nicolas Bori of Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg;The illustration work of Xinran Shi of the Glasgow School of Art won Young Ones Portfolio;“AB3D,”Abbey Barlow of Auckland University of Technology.
根据学校学生在比赛中获得的所有奖项的累积积分,ArtCenter College of Design Pasadena蝉联2023 Young Ones国际青年创意竞赛年度最佳学校!
亚太地区共计荣获46项2023 Young Ones国际青年创意竞赛奖项: